Visualization is one of the most effective tools for athletes. It can be used to help you overcome mental blocks, increase confidence, and improve your performance on game day. It’s easy to find success when you are imagining it beforehand!
One way to use visualization is by visualizing the perfect performance. Imagine yourself in a competition, running your race or executing that pass flawlessly.
Whatever you do, imagine it as vividly and realistically as possible! You may be surprised how much this can help you focus when game time rolls around.
It can also help you get out of a mental funk. You may have days where everything seems to be going wrong and your whole day feels like it’s spiraling downward. When that happens, visualize the best possible scenario for yourself instead!
You’ll find something positive in every situation if you are looking at it through an optimistic lens. Here are six tips to jump start your success through the discipline of visualization.

1. Identify your goals.
Ask yourself what you want and get very specific. What is the ultimate big picture desire? What do you REALLY want?
Reflect on your goals and visualize them as if they have already been accomplished. This will help motivate you to take action in order to achieve your desired outcome!
2. Visualize the END RESULT.
When you visualize the end result, it’s easy to see how all your hard work will pay off. You’ll feel more confident and motivated because now that goal is in sight!
Visualizing what needs to happen between where you are right now and reaching your goals can help give clarity on those steps. It might also inspire new ideas to keep you moving forward.
3. Make a plan for next steps.
Create a plan of attack on what you need to do, then picture yourself doing it. See every step of the process in your mind’s eye and embrace the feeling as you go through this mental exercise.
Know the plan, see it in your mind, feel the process, and experience achieving the ultimate goal.
4. Take action and follow through.
You may have a plan, but if you don’t take action to follow through on it then your visualization will never become reality. Remember that mental exercise is just the beginning of what really needs to take place in order for success to actualize in real life.
The only way you won’t succeed is if you don’t take action. Keep the main thing the main thing and simplify your life by taking action daily and in small increments.
5. Stay motivated by reminding yourself of what you want to accomplish.
Read motivational quotes daily, listen to motivating music or podcasts, and surround yourself with people who are in tune with your goals. You’re the only one who can make this happen for yourself and you must be determined to succeed.
Constant positive self talk is a powerful tool to use. Remind yourself of what you’re capable of and how far you’ve come.
You only have one life so don’t wait for someone or something else to make it happen for you.
6. Celebrate every victory, no matter how small they may seem at first
Picture yourself as a successful athlete and visualize the success. You deserve it! Take every opportunity to celebrate yourself. Make it crystal clear to yourself that you are worthy of all succeesses.
Here’s a tip to improve your visualization skills, try these affirmations and say it often enough that it becomes second nature to your consciousness:
- I am an incredible person with extraordinary abilities.
- I’m worthy of all that life has to offer me today because my thoughts are powerful and clear.
- My words speak power so I choose to win.
When you have a clear visualization of your success and take action on it, you will find yourself achieving more than you thought possible. This now becomes a reality that is beneficial for your development but also for those around you.
It’s easy to find success when you are imagining it beforehand! One way to use visualization is by visualizing the perfect performance. Imagine yourself in a competition, running your race or executing that pass flawlessly.
Whatever you do, imagine it as vividly and realistically as possible! You may be surprised how much this can help you focus when game time rolls around.
Set the intention to visualize your victories every day. Visualization will help build confidence before any event and improve your mental toughness so there’s no need for excuses on game day!